How Do I Spot ATM and Gas Station Skimmers?
According to data FICO released in March 2018, during 2017, the number of compromised ATMs and point-of-sale devices rose 8 percent. We often visit ATMs at financial institutions and gas stations, but how do we spot credit card skimmers that are out and about?
What are credit card skimmers?
Credit card skimmers are devices that criminals attach to ATMs, gas pumps, or any other payment readers to steal your information. Skimmers can be hidden to capture any information, and may show up as fake keypads or paper-thin strips hidden inside the card slot used to copy the magnetic stripe on your card. Most often, thieves don’t even need to be at the scene of the crime when it happens.
Look before you insert
Before inserting your card in an ATM or gas pump, take a good look at the keyboard and card reader. Make sure nothing looks “off” or different. A keyboard could look different from the rest of the ATM. In this case, a thief likely could have printed a new keyboard to put on top of the real one.
With gas pumps, always check if the fuel dispenser door has a seal. If the seal is broken, it is possible a thief placed a skimmer inside a fuel pump. Station employees place serial-numbered security tape across the dispenser door.
Use common sense
Avoiding gas pumps that are further away from a physical building and ATMs in areas with little traffic are best to bypass the risk of a skimmer. If no one is around for a long time, it becomes a good target and easier for a thief to get a skimmer in there.
Always cover the keyboard when you type your PIN or try to avoid the PIN pad entirely. Paying with a credit card, cash or digital wallet is best if you can. This way you have avoided the risk of a thief having your PIN number.
Stay Alert
While in most scenarios we think we are safe, it is always best to stay alert with your account in case something is wrong. Monitor your credit card and debit card transactions frequently to make sure no fraudulent activity has occurred. If you are a 1st MidAmerica member, you can also set up alerts on your account to send email, text or mobile notifications for transactions on your accounts through online banking. Mobile banking is also convenient when on the go so that you can access your account anytime, anywhere.
If you think your card has been caught in a skimmer, contact your financial institution immediately to resolve this issue.